This TT2000 was going to be my best planned one yet. I had two GoPro cameras. A hero 7 to take a time-lapse of the entire trip and a hero 6 for a view off my helmet. But alas that was not to be. First off, a big shout out to Kiwi Riders Insurance whose roadside assist picked up my… Read more »
This is not the usual motorbike stuff, but I have not been out lately. I need to save the tires for the TT2000, which is only a few weeks away now. Anyway, my first hobby has always been computers since I was very young. Started with a TRX80 and then a Commodore 64 before going to the Amiga 1000. Made… Read more »
Just a few changes to the blog. You will notice I have now finally added the https to secure the web site. Not sure why I have not done that before really. Secondly you may have not seen it but the home page of the actual web site has a contact button on it. I have been getting increasing amounts… Read more »
Time for the Northern Odyssey again. This is a ride around parts of the North Island where you have to stop frequently to answer questions. You get a list directions to various places and when you find the place you need to answer a question. This year there are 34 questions and it was a circular route around the mid… Read more »
Time for the 2018 addition of the 1KC ride Hamilton start. 1000 kms in 12 hours (or so). This years was around the mountains sort of. Around the Coromandel loop anti-clockwise then down around the 3 big mountains in the middle of the island. A week out the weather forecast did not look too hot and the best outcome was… Read more »
NI1600 Sorry, that’s NI800 The NI1600/NI800 came around again and I could not decide which one to do. Last year’s NI1600 was a bust for me due to a bruised rib from coming off my Jetski at 60kph and the constant rain. I was sore and very uncomfortable. I was planning to do the NI1600 but have had a bad cough… Read more »
The TT2000 web site went live this month so that means count down to the trip has begun. I got an email from Wayne a couple of weeks before hand asking if I would like to automate the check sheet again. I said yes of course and Wayne emailed me the list of checkpoints so I had an early preview… Read more »
Port Waikato Guided Tour On the 5th May 2018 a guided tour was done at Port Waikato. This involved quads and side by sides. 4-Wheel drive was required in a few places especially the beach where at least 4 side by sides got stuck in the sand. The day started for me at 2:15am leaving home with everything packed and… Read more »
During a repair to my trailer the cable got cut and one light would not work. I went into town and got some cable but forgot the joiners so needed another trip in. However I wanted a ride on the bike as well so decide to go to Wellington via SH2 and back via SH1. It was supposed to be… Read more »
TT2000 2018 – The Wait Pays Off (February 2018) It is now the 21st February and only two days until the TT2000 starts for 2018. Cyclone Gita has just past over last night with just a power cut of 3 hours here at home. Have been watching the weather closely for the last week now because 10 days out it… Read more »