It is mid-August 2020 and the latest TT2000 for 2021 details are out. Again, this is in the South Island but this time the start/finish is in Oamaru. That put a bit of a kink in the plan straight away as it was obvious, I could not do my usual of sleeping on the ferry on the way over and… Read more »
For the TT2000 2021 edition I planned on having a new bike. I ordered my BMW K1600GT in November 2020 with all the options and sat back to wait for it to arrive late January, early February. Details of the TT2000 came in and I made the plan for that and was set to go. Then all the plans went… Read more »
Time once again for another ride. This time the Distance Riders 1KC Hamilton start. This is a 1,000km ride starting and finishing at Hamilton. This ride will most likely be the last big ride for my trusty BMW R1200RT. It has been a good machine but pushing 140,000km it is time for a new machine but more on that at… Read more »
Covid tried to put a dent in the 2020 running of the NI800 and while it may have put a damper on things the ride went ahead. This was going to another sore ride with a bad case of tennis elbow on my left arm. Luckily the BMW has a shift assist so doesn’t need the use of the clutch… Read more »
TT2000 time again and this one is in the North Island. Again, four mystery checkpoints, three of which I knew straight away having seen them all many times and in fact one I pass at least twice a day. The forth one, a church, was a little harder to find but find it I did. Planning began as soon as… Read more »
So it is the 9th November 2019 and time for the 1KC ride again. I took the Hamilton option and was all planned up. GPS loaded, New battery for my Hero 7 camera, Spot batteries changed (3 good and 1 low so put one in). Was going to get up at 1am and finish loading and munching and be away… Read more »
This years NI800 has come around again and as usual it seems to be when I am on night shift. It actually is on a day off but just after my night shifts so was hoping to get the route Friday at home so I could put it in the GPS and confirm the track it planned. No such luck…. Read more »
Yep crashed into my first tree on the way to Tauranga. I needed to get new tires (you could see the wires just starting to show on the rear), new tire pressure sensors (batteries nearly gone), and a service. Left home at 3:30am with nearly gale force winds and a light rain. Put the rain suit on to keep the… Read more »
Time for the Northern Odyssey again. This is a ride around parts of the North Island where you have to stop frequently to answer questions. You get a list directions to various places and when you find the place you need to answer a question. This year there are 34 questions and it was a circular route around the mid… Read more »
Time for the 2018 addition of the 1KC ride Hamilton start. 1000 kms in 12 hours (or so). This years was around the mountains sort of. Around the Coromandel loop anti-clockwise then down around the 3 big mountains in the middle of the island. A week out the weather forecast did not look too hot and the best outcome was… Read more »